By laurraaa - 11/07/2009 19:27 - United States

Today, I received 7 notifications on facebook. Girls in my grade were commenting on my photo because they knew the location of it. They then started to have a conversation and they planned a whole social event. On my photo. I wasn't invited. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 492
You deserved it 4 349

Same thing different taste

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Show up and if they ask, say you assumed you were included since all the notifications were on your page.

That's why you have a FACEBOOK WALL. They should use it instead of having a conversation on her photo, I think that was quite rude and annoying because your receiving notifications that doesn't even concern her.


tab_ga1990 0

Who cares? They are all talking on facebook and it happens to be under one of your photos. Its easy to start a conversation like that. Someone comments under your photo, someone else comments under it, so on and so forth. Then they keep reading eachother's comments and a conversation starts. Just because it is your picture don't mean they have to go to you and say hey guess what, we're going to have a conversatoin want to join? How are they suppose to get a hold of you anyways? Call you? Get over it. Its not like they don't like you, they were just having a simple conversation.

It's pretty much the low point of etiquette to talk about a party in front of people who aren't invited.

Did they specificially say you weren't invited?! Or did you just assume that. Either way they aren't obligated to invite you anywhere just because your photo gave them an idea. Since you said there were 7 notifications, or 7comments I think you are exaggerating about them having a conversation and planning an entire social event on your picture unless you are talking about only2 girls.

"How are they suppose to get a hold of you anyways? Call you?" Um, they're on her Facebook page...

haha lmfao. :D okay, so I totally do not understand this FML.. can someone please explain it to me in a a better way? :P

The OP simply placed a pic and two or several girls started commenting on it. In a short while they planned an entire social event right in front of her and at no point even considered invited her. They basically did something obvlious and rude by planning something in front of someone when they knew they wern't going to invite them in the first place.

That's why you have a FACEBOOK WALL. They should use it instead of having a conversation on her photo, I think that was quite rude and annoying because your receiving notifications that doesn't even concern her.

hahaha. why didnt you comment on the photo when the plans where made? instant access to the party...:-)

Did you find out you weren't invited after the fact or did you assume you weren't invited because they didn't reference you in the conversation?

lovelykendra5 0

Facebook is confusing. Just so you know.

Yea, and, your point? Seriously, how does this shit get through?

This hasn't happened to me personally, but I've seen it on other peoples' pictures. I don't have enough people who talk to me for them to comment on my picture.

black_heartz 0

LiKe Oh Em GeE!!!!1! christ get over it. big ******* deal you aren't the most popular girl in the 7th grade. 22 i ask myself the same thing.. my car gets keyed the same day i get dumped and that gets rejected, yet some little girl whining about not having friends on facebook gets on? ...***** kinda stupid