By puzzled - 10/06/2009 04:13 - United States
dynalda tells us more.
For clarification, the first part of the letter, which I had pieced together, sounded like it was going to be a love letter. He was talking about how love was a puzzle and usually the pieces fit together perfectly, but sometimes it takes a little bit of work and effort to put together. Then he started talking about our relationship and all the fun times we've had. Then came the last piece. He ended by saying that our puzzle was a waste of time and should have been left out on the table unfinished, where hopefully the pieces would get lost and the puzzle could be thrown away.
Top comments
Aaaw, isn't that cute? :D
at least it's more effort than a text message break up.
I've heard about tiptoeing around a breakup, but what the hell? That's a horrible way to be broken up with. Sure, you're in your own home and it's not over a text message, but still.
Did he cut pieces of paper up into Tetris shapes? That would be kinda cool. If not then I'm sorry to hear about that.
How many pieces was the puzzle? Cause, how did it take you until the very end to realise it wasn't a love letter? On the upside, you've just given me an awesome idea for a love letter.
Was the last piece blank by any chance? That would be so funny.
I'm totally sending my girlfriend a love letter like that too. she loves puzzles.
thanks for the advice, she loved it.
That's romantically awful....
I agree with #9! How slow do you have to be to not see that the jigsaw puzzle is a break-up until you get the last piece? :P
That's a crazy way to break up with someone.
wow he apparently doesnt have any balls if he had to breakup with you via puzzle... like seriously wtf?!
you kidding?! that's amazing. breaking up via puzzle!

Aaaw, isn't that cute? :D
How many pieces was the puzzle? Cause, how did it take you until the very end to realise it wasn't a love letter? On the upside, you've just given me an awesome idea for a love letter.