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By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of class for having a coughing fit. Yesterday, I was kicked out of class for sleeping, a side effect of my cough suppressant. Three absents from this class and I automatically fail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 148
You deserved it 3 828

Pensu tells us more.

Pensu 12

No, I wasn't forcing the cough; I've got bronchitis, I just get coughing fits that last for a while and can't control them.

Top comments

perdix 29

Tomorrow, you'll get kicked out for drug possession. Three strikes and yooooooooouuuuu'rreee OUT!


Ali_Br_fml 33

not for long. Op, were you forcing the cough? if not, fyl. the professor sucks. Some students are deliberately obnoxious, so I had to ask... Well, don't get sick again or you fail.

The_Earth 0
The_Earth 0

48 That's so disgusting but I can't believe I laughed at that. Also, OP don't sleep in class. YDI.

it's ok when people say first. it shows the hardships (ex. staying up all night) or luck needed to be first. this is why I believe that it SHOULD NOT be moderated.

prepare to be moderated first hahahahahahaahahah

Calikid330 0

I actually just got lucky. I got on the fml app on my iPod and it had only one ydi so I commented saying first. then didn't know how to delete it

Lol I laughed at 48 so much it was too random

MissErikaHart 0

ok good, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought 48 was funny

benny2465 0

it's because you weren't in the kitchen

bigblue95 0

only three. wat kinda school do u go to

Pensu 12

No, I wasn't forcing the cough; I've got bronchitis, I just get coughing fits that last for a while and can't control them.

Jeez, report that teacher! Your butt must hurt from your teacher kicking it so much. I recommend wearing metal underwear.

Guard_Babe 19

"And the smoke got me and I got bronchitis. Ain't nobody got time for dat."

outcastcutie3 0
Skullcrusher 5

Don't cough with out my direct order. You're such a failure, OP. What a shame. -The Fluffs

I wanted you to see my beautiful smile. -The Fluffs

It is beautiful fluffy, shame it's so big it's creepy :|

Why thank you! I love being creep-tastic! :D -The Fluffs

zp5 4

yeah the blood on your teeth really brings out of yours.

What happens when someone says 'Here kitty,kitty'?

-busts through the walls, roaring like a maniac- Who dares say 'here kitty, kitty'?!?!?!?!?!? -tears up furniture and drywall- -The Fluffs

zp5 4

you fool! you have doomed us all!

I didn't say it, look at the little thingies, them ----->'....'

No really, I never said it! I was implying a situation where someone else did. Would I, a complete stranger, lie to you?

zp5 4

yeah. because you did say it. bye! (here's a cinnamon roll for the last thing to eat before you die)

Damn. I guess all I can do is eat my cinnamon roll and accept death at the hands of a demonic internet tiger ;(

this reminds me. my friend was doing the John Wall & my math teacher thought he was doing the "Dry Wall." Hahaha off topic. but i'm like that.

release the dogs on that one kitty!!!!!!!! his fate will be remembered:(

The kitty has another cuter pic o_o, DON'T EAT THE CINNAMON ROLL

yaysmile 0

that sucks, you should go to the principal and explain the situation.

yaysmile 0

that sucks, you should go to the principal and explain the situation.

puffydude1 0

The first day op got kicked out because he fell asleep due to taking a cough suppressant so he wouldn't have a coughing fit. The second day, op ended up getting kicked out because he had a coughing fit due to not taking the medicine so he wouldn't fall asleep. Getting kicked out usually ends up as an absence and if op gets three he automatically fails the class, which he's already got two of.

What is wrong with you? I hope you get kicked!