By racchhh - 26/07/2009 15:25 - United States

Today, I sent a forward to everyone in my phonebook saying, "HOUSE PARTY-NO PARENTS, LOTS OF ALCOHOL, MAYBE A CHANCE TO HOOK UP." I then got a reply from my mom saying, "I'm probably the only one that would show up." Even my mom thinks I'm a loser, and I'm now grounded for 3 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 867
You deserved it 88 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dashiell 0

Loser, srsly, who is dumb enough to not realize that they have their parents in their contacts?

I was gonna put some witty comment, but I realized your mom beat me to it.


JrossDaBoss 0

She never said "Maybe some sex" She says "MAYBE A CHANCE TO HOOK UP" read before what you qoute. On the other hand that's probably the idea she had in her had just wanted to word it differently. YDI

DareToDream7 0

OMG, THANK YOU! I was getting really annoyed at that too, like how the hell did everybody miss-read that? She never said "maybe some sex" she said "maybe a chance to hook up" which is (to me at least) completely different. Sex is sex, hooking up is like making out. But that could just be me. Anyways, I agree with #169, make sure you actually read the FML right before bashing the OP and acting like you're right, you aren't. So stfu.

grimpow_fml 0

phones now (atleast verizon) make you check 10 at a time, and send them that way. YDI for blindly checking

ecrtwilight 0

Um, lots of ALCOHOL? that sounds really lame. And you are just stupid. And a loser. sorry.

but would she come for the booze or the chance to hook up?

Who the **** says " mabye a chance to hook up"? you are ******* fag my friend

tdonato 2
lisakin 13

Only three weeks? Id be grounded for life if i were ever caught