By Eddie - 07/08/2011 19:43 - Israel

Today, I took my clothes off in front of my girlfriend for the first time. She made a weird face for a moment, then burst into laughter. She couldn't stop laughing, no matter how hard she tried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 898
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's up with all the FMLs with all these extremely nice girlfriends lately? Like the one that wouldn't kiss her bf cause of a pimple. What a Sweetheart.

Just do the same when she gets undressed.


tigermilz 1

She thought to herself, Can it be any smaller ?

superguppy19 3

It's her insecurity of herself or she's a bitch

It might have been hysterical laughter. But somehow I think not.

That's what happened to me once.. Except I was in the men's change room when this occurred! ;D

Obviously you need to do the "Helicopter" and show her what you can really do.

BlAcKgUyLoVeR3 7

have u ever seen those advertisements for enlargements ............ if u know what I mean

BlAcKgUyLoVeR3 7

no i meant more like dick steroids but... whatever floats ur extremly small boat

Aw that shit never happens when you drug em real good (;