By Eddie - 07/08/2011 19:43 - Israel

Today, I took my clothes off in front of my girlfriend for the first time. She made a weird face for a moment, then burst into laughter. She couldn't stop laughing, no matter how hard she tried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 898
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's up with all the FMLs with all these extremely nice girlfriends lately? Like the one that wouldn't kiss her bf cause of a pimple. What a Sweetheart.

Just do the same when she gets undressed.


Laughing is OK, as long as she doesn't point.

It would not be okay for me, if she's laughing that crazy... I mean... come on, are we in the kindergarden?

MEM0817 18

You mean you took your clothes off in front of your *ex girlfriend. After that little disaster of yours, Perdix is right, time to move on. It's very much over...

Darklord53 0

Was it because of your belly button?

put it into her mouth so she shuts up!

that sucks man. I had the opposite problem where a girl got scared and told me that there's no way that's gonna fit in her and she left me hanging. Not even making that shit up. True story. Women are picky lol jk

Maybe she was nervous.. or maybe you have FunnyJunk.