By baguette - 02/09/2014 23:32 - Germany - Minden

Today, I've been living in Germany for several weeks now. My classmates still cannot pronounce my name: Clémence. Instead they call me, “Baguette.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 777
You deserved it 94

Top comments

Aww just call them "Brötchen" as a comeback, it is like little loafs of Bread. =) Or "Wurst"

Something tells me this isn't a case of them not being able to...


amccaul1976 8

who says Germans don't have a sense of humor.

yellowzinnias 20

Obviously none of them are Harry Potter fans! Pretty sure we can ALL say your name, thanks to Clémence Poésy! lol

at least they didn't call you "faguette"

Freksaivei 10

As a german I can confirm that they would be able to. They just don't want to.