By eamiller - 23/12/2014 20:41 - United States - Franklin

Today, I was complimented on my freckles. I don't actually have freckles, just a load of blackheads that won't go away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 748
You deserved it 3 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One man's blackhead is another man's freckle.

I had to reread this about 5 times because of the lack of punctuation.


Shandra78 9

I know what you mean about blackheads (I've got 3 other skin disorders to go with it), try a daily baking soda face wash with a dilute apple cider vinegar rinse (1 tbsp vinegar in 1 cup water) then rinse with plain cool water, I use the same as a hair wash and body wash. It's the only thing that doesn't make me break out in one rash or another. I've got enough different skin issues to delight a dermatologist, if only their crap actually worked. Avoiding artificial fragrances and industrial grade grease strippers is the only thing that has ever worked for me. The baking soda does the job of soap more gently and the vinegar restores the natural ph acid balance of the skin and hair. Other than that, jojoba oil or cold pressed hemp seed oil for a moisturiser where I get too dry and for the tips of my waist length hair. Good luck and ignoring the trolls starves the little bastards out pretty quick.

Hey, a compliment is still a compliment! Can't be too bad if someone actually thought they were freckles.

i'm sure the pharmacy'll have something for those! keep up with the dosages and you'll be looking great real soon! good luck, OP:)

Epickitty58 29

They can be freckles if you BELIEVE they are.

Mysterious_one 26
danimal_crackerz 26

I always just apply a pressure where they are and push and let everything come out. Try that? Lol

That's actually happened to me, but someone said moles.