By Anonymous - 14/05/2009 17:13 - United States
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its a good thing #6 was raised with real bravery so he is courageous enough to flame people over the internet, unlike those cowards and retards who join the armed forces and fight real people for the safety of people all over the world
Hahahaha I've done that! Hopefully your family doesn't care, I mean you are an adult right? I'm sure they've slipped a cuss word once or twice in their life.
****** A.
Oh my god, I laughed so much at this :D
not that much. my dad did it too, but it was potatoes not butter
#6 You are a complete asshole. Liberals like you give our country a bad name. OP, normally on something like this I'd click YDI, but with you serving in the armed forces, us ordinary citizens owe you a debt we can never repay. We thank you for your service. Idiots like #6 are a small minority; ignore them.
WTF #6!!! Nothing wrong with the Armed Forces. At least some of us can say that we stood up for our country and our freedom. It's stupid people like you that we have protected our country for. Thanks to the Freedom of Speech that protects you and if it weren't for the military there would be no freedom of speech!!!! But yeah, it's pretty funny. I know how that many times I had to stop myself around my Mom after being in the Navy for so long.
HAHAHAHA nice one. I was at my mom's and accidentally said her cat is so ******* cute.
That almost happened to me too when I was back on leave a few months ago.