By Anonymous - 11/12/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, I was in a meeting at work. In the middle of our CEO's speech, I farted. Everyone heard including my boss, who looked over and said, "Do you have anything else you wanted to add?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 986
You deserved it 25 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should've been like "yea, hold on, I wan't done"

Poundingsand 0

Did they take it under consideration?


OLOtheDemigodess 0

...Lol? A fart is uncontrollable, dufus.

Some farts just slip out, yeah. But the majority of the time, you can tighten up the good ole anal sphincter and hold it in until you reach a more acceptable location to rip ass. And OP, didn't you know? Farting is the method that replaced raising your hand or clearing your throat if you wish to speak. SAY SOMETHING, damnit, it's rude to request the floor and just sit there! xD

man, if your farts are just ''slipping out'' it's time to re-evaluate your sexual fetishes..

MrMaD xD It's more of a matter of internal pressure from the gases. If there's too much pressure, that anal sphincter is opening whether you like it or not. That being said.....your comment was win. EPIC win, considering I'm drunk enough to find just about anything funny. :D

lmao, **** it, I'll take the compliment.

JokingJoe 0

I would have said yes and let out another one ^.^

Your boss is awesome. If I had been in the room I would have fallen out of my seat laughing.

God_Of_Purgatory 0

This totally should have been on MLIA. Really? A fart? That is friggin' awesome. Shoulda capped it off with a huge belch and pattin' your stomach. I totally would have.

You should have added, "Bean burritos rule!" and left.

I'm not sure what was funnier, the FML or the comments!