By Anonymous - 15/12/2013 06:47 - United States - Fresno

Today, I was playing with my dog, when she started sniffing my face. Jokingly, I got up and started to sniff her face back and asked "Yeah, how do you like that?" She replied by biting into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 367
You deserved it 35 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not a dog expert or anything but I think that means she didn't like it

In the dog's head: "I smell another dog on you. WHO IS SHE?"


pacifichero45 1

want to know how I got these scars?

looks like you wont be trying that again. lol

If she went for the nose then she understood what you said and was repremanding you lol FLY OP

Maybe she wanted to make sure you know not to mimic her the next time.

blearyandtired 8

This has happened to me so many times...