By PerfectVision - 11/09/2014 06:49 - United States - Long Beach
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 07/01/2013 11:11 - Australia - Hurstville
By ShakenNotStirred - 11/11/2013 08:18 - Australia - Brisbane
Sting operation
By Anonymous - 02/08/2009 19:23 - United States
By nick - 12/01/2015 08:23 - United Kingdom - Cambridge
By NotBeingPaidEnough - 03/03/2016 13:17 - United Kingdom - London
Cash me?
By Anonymous - 02/09/2019 11:00 - Canada - Lakeville
By Anonymous - 07/09/2012 00:49 - United States - Colorado Springs
By gimme beer - 13/06/2023 18:00
You never know
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco
Go away
By xharuki - 29/08/2010 20:37 - United States
Top comments
At least you did the right thing.
No he didn't, the blind man is right. OP is racist against blinds. This worldwide tragedy needs to be ended.
-I show my support for the cause by wearing this ribbon. -You're not wearing a ribbon. -I am, but like the people it symbolizes, you can't see it. Blind power!
I don't SEE what's wrong here.. (Ha. Ha.)
"You know what the biggest indignity is? I can't even **********! One morning I spent 20 minutes aggressively rubbing my shin, thinking 'Where's the sensation?'" "You were rubbing your shin? You couldn't tell?" "No, I couldn't tell, didn't you hear me? I'M BLIND!" -Ron Burgandy -Anchorman 2
Racism seems to be everyones excuse
Sad but true
OP sickens me! I bet the OP is racist towards trees too!
Logic doesn't work well against drunk people.
There are genetic differences in races. You can tell a person's ancestry, therefor their race, via DNA testing. This has been proven time and time again by various molecular biologists, and there are multiple documentaries of it.
Blinds are totally a race. One very prominent group among them are the "venetian blinds".
race is an artificial construct. the genetic diversity in humans is not easily delineated by the racial construct we have. all you have to do is examine "multiracial" people. if someone is part Asian and part Caucasian. five generations of offspring with only Caucasians will result in children who look Caucasian. no one would ever call them Asian, but by your definition, since they have Asian ancestry (DNA) they must be Asian.
#20 I dont know what documentaries and articles you've read, but maybe you should check to make sure they're peer-reviewed. Race is a societal creation. The only thing that separates the races is the amount of melanin in their skin. Which is an environmental adaptation. People along the equator adapted to have darker skin(more melanin) because melanin protects the skin from sun damage. If there were genetic differences, different races wouldn't be able to procreate and create multiracial offspring.
Race is literally an accepted human classification, sure the word is "made up". But so was the word melanin. Both words are made up but both are representative of a real thing, and are accepted by society to represent those things. (oops, tried to post this in edit but I ran out of time)
That's almost as bad as being racist toward gays
I like to call it gaycism. It exists, unfortunately. I don't consider it to be racism at all, but the terms fit together quite well.
Look at the bright side least he tried to convince you without swearing or threatening .
yelling is different than swearing and threatening..
It's pretty threatening when someone yells at you though
You've never heard a real threat, my bad
How rude turning away the "blind"....
Ikr? What was he thinking?
Let's just hope he doesn't complain to your manager. People on this site tend to get fired for stuff that isn't their fault
In many countries it's illegal to sell alcohol to those who are obviously drunk already, there's no way you'd get fired for following the law...
...So blindness isn't a race? I've been lied to!
Sounds like an episode of Shameless
At least you did the right thing.
Logic doesn't work well against drunk people.