By Anonymous - 27/03/2014 23:03 - Canada - Sackville

Today, I was sitting in the coffee shop where my boyfriend and I used to go before he broke up with me about a week ago. I was missing him and wishing he was there, when all of a sudden this 14-year-old kid comes up to me and says, "He's not coming, you may as well go home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 661
You deserved it 6 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you see this kid before? Like did he work there and might have seen you two together? Or was he just some punk who thought it would be funny to say and it turned out to be a strange coincidence....?

Wise words. That kid is gonna grow up to be a wise monk. Time to move on..


messeduplife2 7

My boyfriend also broke up with me about a week ago. It's been extremely difficult and I wish I didn't have to see memories of us everywhere I go.

MrGymnastic 12

Thank you for this. I really wish you could share comments.

I've seen a movie with that exact line. Accept it was said under modified circumstances.

If I am correct, this is a line from one of the Scary Movies. I presume Scary Movie 3!

I know how you feel. try going to other places and meeting new people. It's going to be hard at first but keep your head up:)

How did you know that the kid was 14 years old?

He might be watching a little too much How I Met Your Mother

The first thing I thought of was How I Met Your Mother when Barney stood on top of the Eiffel Tower telling girls "He's not coming" just so that they would get sad and desperate and sleep with him...

he got a kid to go tell you that while he was hiding lol