By duzitickle - 04/08/2009 21:09 - United States
duzitickle tells us more.
haha, yeah. the bus was coming down the hill to the stop on the corner, and i was running my ass off (in a mini skirt, to boot) to beat it there. it runs once an hour and was 15 minutes early... it would have been a close race had it been the "real" bus, thats for sure. as it was, it had a few bus people in training, like a rolling classroom, who were all craning to my side of the bus to get a good look. im sure they learned something from the mishap. it would be a shame if they didnt. my pride was definitely hurt more than my leg.
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FarSide you are my hero. i wish i couuld reply to comments but this stupid app wont let me. :(
Thanks Leafhead. I am confidant that if you follow all my posts you might not remain loyal. But while it lasts, I appreciate it. I keep coming back for two reasons. One, to respond to about 30% of the FMLs, and Two, to respond to the 70% of posters to the FMLs. P.S. Don't look now, but I think your application just replied to a comment.
Sounds like you go to Texas State!
lol now i have to go pee
That's when you leap onto the bus in a split second, refuse to get off, and tell him it's a training exercise.
i dont get it? training bus? WHATTTT but fyl forsure for falling