By stillchubby - 17/02/2011 11:12 - Australia

Today, I was thinking about my new diet and workout plan as I was getting dressed in the morning, feeling much thinner and more energetic. Just as the thought passed through my brain, the button on my skirt popped off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 982
You deserved it 5 943

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Use that new energy and outlook to march your ass to the cabinet, grab a needle and thread, and sew that bitch back on even tighter this time.

Emcom 0

Atleast it popped at home rather than at work or something...i once popped a button while weighing in the first time when I joined weight was a sign. Lol


perdix 29

Maybe if you'd follow your diet and exercise plan instead of just thinking about it, maybe your clothes could withstand your copious girth.

Dieting is actually a wrong idea as in most cases it leads to obesity and/or eating disorders.

17: Eating healthier and exercising can cause obesity? *And* eating disorders? Really?

Diet =/= eating healthier and exercising. Diets usually consist of limiting yourself in some way or another. Eating healthier and exercising is a lifestyle change rather than a diet.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

The way you eat = a diet. There are unhealthy diets, and there are healthy diets. Idiot.

What #33 said. Although I completely agree with the point you're -trying- to make.

I agree with you #33, but when we are talking about dieting, it usually mean "deciding to change your unhealthy lifestyle with another unhealthy lifestyle before going back to what used to be normal for you". By the way, sports are not always healthy, one need to exercise (at least walk a lot) but intensive sports are not healthy and can damage one's body (depending on the sports), plus exercising to lose weight may also lead to obesity (especially abdominal obesity) when you stop. As for one's diet, the first thing to do is to stop eating when you are not hungry and eat slowly to understand your body needs, no restriction are needed. Nothing should be considered unhealthy food at first or else you may end up binging and gaining weight because of the frustration. Cooking is the key, learning how to cook and taste different kind of food usually lead to a healthier lifestyle because you learn about your body need and have different cravings. One does not need restrictions to be healthy. I used to be bulemic because of dieting and body image issue, it is important to see a psychologist first when you feel the need to diet and then learn how to eat properly, meaning that you should not consider than any kind of food is totally unhealthy or follow a strict diet. It surely takes longer to do that than dieting or having restriction but it helps fighting against eating disorders, health problems and mental health problems. I can tell for sure that it took me time to really follow my own advice but it works. I lost about 15kg (I wasn't obese but still overweight) slowly, some people do not lose weight or even gain weight (can be useful for those who feel they are too skinny) but at least they are healthier (though we all have our own health issues sometimes and it cannot be helped with a good diet only). I have learned more about my body needs in three years than by seeing a doctor telling me not to eat salty things (which I never did). Obesity can be linked with severe eating disorders, medications or food intolerance (gluten or casein for example) and... stress and dieting the way most people do will not help at all. One should not st

One should not start dieting because of their weight issue but seek psychological help in most cases or start having a new lifestyle, including : taking time too cook (though it may be difficult in some countries for the poorest people since they can only afford junk food), eating in a quiet place or with family and not in front of the telly because it leads to ignoring your real hunger and eating more than you should, walking instead of using the car so much when you do not need to, eating whatever you want to eat but only when you are hungry and only what does not make you sick. With time, most people start feeling like eating a salad with lettuce, potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, olive oil and balsamic vinegar instead of a big cheeseburger (just an example). One does not need control to avoind junk food when they have learned how to enjoy eating.

KVKdragon 26

eh, I wouldn't exactly worry about. sometimes, buttons can pop off from strain and overuse. I have this one pair pants where the button comes every few months or so, so don't stress :)

ulicksam 0

Maybe your diet and exercise is making your **** grow.

Think of it this way, Now you can withstand a cold winter :)

xmarkstheheart 0

Today I decided that whenever an OP uses the word "decided," it's really code for "convinced myself incorrectly of something." Seriously, people! I've noticed this phenomenon for quote a while now. Go back and read ANY other postings that have the phrase "I decided..." or "I decided it would be fun..." That word seems to be used a lot when someone is ashamed to admit that they use terrible logic, but they STILL want to sound proactive and independent and in ownership of their bad thinking. "Today I decided it would be fun to make toast in the shower." "Today I decided to paint a swastika on a school bus." "Today I decided to pretend I was blind by closing my eyes while walking at the edge of a cliff." Sound familiar???

Thinking about a diet doesn't make you any thinner.

Being -on- a diet which you later think about, however, should.

xmarkstheheart 0

Oops, I meant "quite," not "quote."

I had buttons pop off two pairs of jeans in one week and I'm not fat I'm just cheap. keep working out and buy quality clothes that fit. problem solved.

Garytt 0

I once popped the button on my jeans and made a dent in the wall