By ashleylynn17 - 25/02/2014 21:59

Today, I was told I pull the "whole grunge look" off quite well. I don't dress "grunge", nor was that my intention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 482
You deserved it 5 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steve95401 49

Is the grunge look even still popular?

At least they mistook your style for grunge as opposed to say, accidentally dropping change in your cup of coffee


Whatever works for you. Other people's opinions don't really matter if YOU like your style.

Be happy that you pull it off well! :)

take that as a compliment! i love the grunge look. thats how i dress haha. grunge is definately making its comeback

You should feel flattered op! There are people who try to pull that look off and don't do it as effortlessly as you do.

Well at least you got a compliment... sorta

At least you know that you pull off a particular look really well. So long as you stick with it (whatever 'it' is), people will have the impression that you are comfortable with yourself and your identity. Not to imply that their impression was false of course ;)

Nothing wrong with grunge. Imo it's a far better music scene than the stuff they play on radio these days...

juan3611 14

i find that attractive, if other people dont then they have no personality..

Or maybe they just have a difference in taste...