By Anonymous - 02/01/2013 07:28 - Canada - Airdrie
Same thing different taste
The Girl Can't Help It
By Anonymous - 29/10/2019 22:00
By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States
By moe472 - 24/01/2012 02:47 - United States
By jingle - 25/05/2012 11:18 - United States - Wilmington
By anonymous - 24/04/2013 04:55 - Germany
By Volunteer - 13/09/2013 22:24 - United States - Elwood
By myworstday - 05/04/2016 01:36 - United Kingdom - London
By Lifeguard - 04/04/2009 19:03 - United States
By unemployedaussie - 23/06/2016 12:35 - Australia - Perth
By zacharynedley - 06/01/2015 00:16 - United States - Elkridge
Top comments
Frown less!
Smiling is healthy! It sends your brain "happiness hormones".
12, 42, 53 Perhaps her natura expression looks like a frown, she may not be strictly frowning just not smiling.
Funny how that advice is given to women but never to men. Remember ladies, your primary function is to be a goddamn decoration! Smile more!
To be fair, OP probably isn't up to smiling after being fired:/
Don't look bitchy!
Who said anything about looking bitchy?
Well if your not frowning you might look bitchy
Try Sneezy next time.
No no... Then he'll get fired for sneezing all the time!
OP is female.
I like ur profile :P
If you really look so grumpy it got you fired you should probably work on looking more upbeat
Exactly op, and screw that other boss...
Fun fact: in Japan they actually have Smile Schools for employees so that they appear more friendly mostly for foreign customers. It isn't that the Japanese look grumpy, they just feel it inappropriate to show a lot of emotion.
Eh depends what your job was if you worked heavily with customers you deserved it.
Plaster on a better attitude just for your shift. Then you can be grumpy all you want after. After all, you are getting paid.
I doubt the pay was worth something to smile over if op got fired for that reason.
1. Smoke weed 2. Go to work, high and happy. 3. ????? 4. Profit! On a more serious note, can you get fired for beining grumpy? Is that a valid reason anywhere? As long as you do your job, I'd say.
Depends on the job. If you're a telemarketer or a waiter a pleasant attitude is necessary since you're dealing with people and I imagine a grumpy one could get one fired since it's unprofessional.
They may have been looking for a valid (kind of) reason to fire OP. Some employers just want to get rid of people they generally don't like and will find any excuse to do it.
Op was a spokesperson for antidepressants.
It is possible to be fired for that in some lines of work, especially jobs where people have to deal with customers and the public all the time. I once got counseled(not really punished) at work for the same thing years ago at a job where I was a janitor at a University and my bosses were asked to pull me from the building because I was intimidating people because I never seemed to smile, and it made the students and building users afraid to talk to me, and afterwords, I smiled more and they relaxed as well.
Daniel. I'm getting high before work right now! We should be friends. XD
Oh em gee, totally! Admitting to getting high before work is like so cutting edge! Idiot.
I just have a job that doesn't give two *****, because I do my job so well. Don't be jealous.
Yes doc! She's right! You're just jealous that you are a responsible professional and you have a job that matters. Stop being a douche about it, not everyone can work at a convenient store! Some people like yourself have to do the crappy jobs. Like being a doctor. Maybe if you work super hard, one day you too can smoke before work and brag about it.
Because you know what I do? What a moron.
113- yes I know what you do. You smoke before work. What a moron indeed.
am I the only one who thought about Tartar the grumpy cat?
No, I saw him on TV the other day X)
Actually the Grumpy Cat is named Tard.
really? i saw a video in which it said his name was tartar sauce :p thought that was weird already :)
Tard is short for Tardar Sauce
Well, I'd probably look pissed too if my name was tard.
Go see Doc and then you'll be Happy.
I actually lol'ed at this. **** me right?

Smile more!
Try Sneezy next time.