By life// - 08/01/2013 23:56 - Canada - Fort Mcmurray

Today, I was walking my dog when he decided that he was too lazy to continue walking. It ended up with me looking like a crazy dog lady carrying my medium-sized dog home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 659
You deserved it 5 195

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bostern 29

Or.... You would've looked like some kind of hero carrying a tired dog around. People like that stuff, ask the Internet.


Your dog may be ill. Keep an eye on him or take him to the vet to be checked out.

Mine first husky did it in protest sometimes because she wanted to be let off the leash to go on the neighborhood tour without supervision. While yes it can be a sign of illness, it can also be a sign of a headstrong dog. My current husky also did it as a puppy when we walked him in unfamiliar areas. That was before he realized he was a husky and needed to try to be an escape artist so he could run around like a crazy ball of fur and scare me while pissing off my neighbors.

Your dogs may do that because they're Huskies. I'm not saying it is, but from what you've said, that's what I think.

I got my dog from the streets, he was hungry and thirsty and skin on bone. After 5 weeks he grew a bit and started becoming more thick and playful. Except his legs were weak. I took him for a walk but got further than expected. Midway home he collapsed so i carried him home. It felt amazing that I could help him... I miss you Pino... So much

My dog is only five pounds and she does this every time. It's no problem to escape the house and get chased for two hours, but she can't walk for five minutes. Smh.

You probably just looked like Paris Hilton carrying her "accessory dog" around. My dog did the same thing almost every time we went on a walk. She died of old age last year. Fortunately she was a miniature wiener dog and pretty easy to carry.

TwoOneFive 11

I wonder what crazy cat lady would say if she saw that

Either your dog is super lazy or you're taking him on walks that are just too long.

Well I guess we know who the "alpha" and "bitch" are in this pack.

ravenevercross 19