By ErinShannon - 24/05/2017 10:19

Today, I was woken up from a dead sleep because a bug had fallen into my ear. I could hear it moving around in there, and it took me an hour with a blade of grass in my ear to get it to climb its way back out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 555
You deserved it 300

ErinShannon tells us more.

OP here, I freaked out the first few minutes and was like " DAD THERE IS A ******* BUG IN MY EAR WHAT DO I DO?!?! " and kept trying to dig it out. So I googled " what to do when a bug falls into you ear. " top suggestion was to not stick anything ( like fingers ) in there to get it out because you could push it further in and to get some grass so the bug can climb onto something it knows to escape. So thats what I did. If I had of kept looking there were probably easier ways but at the time I was worried it would go deeper or something. It is the grossest, weirdest sounding and feeling I have ever experienced. Especially since whatever it was, it had wings and was trying to fly inside my damn ear. Banging ones head against a pillow while laying down doesnt help either, just made it make more noise. Thanks for all comments saying I was brave. Haha.

Top comments

imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

I commend your chill. I would have just been like "screw it imma just die"

This FML has given me nightmares. God, I would have freaked after 1 minute. You manage to get it out calmly?? Hats off to you!


imnotcleverenoughforthis 14

I commend your chill. I would have just been like "screw it imma just die"

Totally agree... I wouldn't have handled that nearly as well.

I second this. I wouldn't be willing to live with that experience.

This FML has given me nightmares. God, I would have freaked after 1 minute. You manage to get it out calmly?? Hats off to you!

It's not like OP had many choices. Staying calm and waiting allows you to get the thing out. Trying to knock it loose works, but not against all kinds of insects. Using fire or poison would've done more unintended than intended harm. I mean, I suppose they could've tried to kill it with a screwdriver or something...

With my luck, the blade of grass would have ants on it. But seriously, someone needs to give the OP a medal for being so chill.

adidasangel 15

oh my god i would have shot myself asap, good on you for actually getting out

i have creeps! stuffing my ears at night now... i would be crying!!

After learning that this actually happens and one day waking up with a noise in my ear (luckily it was just tinnitus) I now sleep with my ears covered by a satin bonnet and sleep headphones or I use earplugs. I refuse to take chances.

Saline rinse would have got it in minutes.

Lobby_Bee 17

Never been in that situation before, but it sounds like flushing your ear with water should do the trick in a fraction of the time.

Best thing to do in a situation like that is to remain calm, pour baby oil into your ear until you hear the buzzing stop. Once it does, go to the emergency room and have a professional remove it

OP here, I freaked out the first few minutes and was like " DAD THERE IS A ******* BUG IN MY EAR WHAT DO I DO?!?! " and kept trying to dig it out. So I googled " what to do when a bug falls into you ear. " top suggestion was to not stick anything ( like fingers ) in there to get it out because you could push it further in and to get some grass so the bug can climb onto something it knows to escape. So thats what I did. If I had of kept looking there were probably easier ways but at the time I was worried it would go deeper or something. It is the grossest, weirdest sounding and feeling I have ever experienced. Especially since whatever it was, it had wings and was trying to fly inside my damn ear. Banging ones head against a pillow while laying down doesnt help either, just made it make more noise. Thanks for all comments saying I was brave. Haha.

damo123 13

you're more brave then me haha

This once happened to me. Was drifting off to sleep and bam bug flies into my ear. I totally panicked - rang my mum and she said to pour oil in your ear so it kills the bug and it floats out. Was completely gross...but it worked!

Cryptolithus 0

Happened to me a couple years ago while camping. Was only stuck there for 10 minutes or so, but wow, those 10 minutes sucked.