By Nola - 27/04/2017 12:00

Today, I watched my mother pull her pants down and, using her hands, feel her butt crack to check if she'd had had an accident. She then pulled her pants up, went into the kitchen and touched stuff in the refrigerator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 273
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnthonyCS5 19

Why in the hell would you sit there and watch that?!?!? I would have looked away immediately at the sight of something suspicious!

Wait till you find out the secret ingredient to all her special cooking. Love I tell you, it's love!


finalyearsofhate 22

What doesn't kill you... gives you Enough. coli?

finalyearsofhate 22

well that is definitely a shitty situation

Zachary8261 28

Why did you look, first off?!

species4872 19

Now that's a cracking good story.

Butt ... what if I think it's full of sh!t?

redlizzybeth 25

You didn't state your age or hers. If she is an older individual and this is a new behaviour then you need to talk to her medical provider about sudden strange behaviour. If she is not older and just had a ..... ughhh.... lapse in judgment, then maybe gently mention that you saw something and then tell her what you saw... but do so respectfully and politely. Then just let her know that it upset you and say nothing else. I wish you the best of luck in this uncomfortable situation.

"Yo, Ma! I didn't know you were a crack dealer."

Tiffany Marie Theresa 3

Does she often have accidents? Like WTF!?!?

my mum often does things i consider very unhygienic like not washing hands after sneezing. i feel your pain