By hh. - 05/12/2014 21:13 - United States - Clear Lake
Same thing different taste
Bad timing
By anonymous - 26/06/2016 03:50 - United States - Knoxville
By Stuck - 15/07/2009 04:01 - United States
Awkward small talk
By I Feel Horrible - 20/07/2014 17:59 - United States - San Francisco
By storyofmylife - 23/02/2011 21:52 - United States
By confusedandnowsingle - 28/06/2013 12:23 - Finland - Espoo
Say it ain't so, please
By Kali - 13/10/2019 04:00
Wrong end of the stick
By Matt - 03/06/2012 14:21 - Australia - Tyabb
By Anonymous - 26/02/2022 21:00 - United Kingdom - Truro
Bad timing
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Cedar Rapids
Mixed signals
By Brianna Michelle Ferrell - 21/09/2019 20:00
Top comments
Plot twist. Both said yes to each other
I hope OP didn't say yes. /:
Oh god, that of been super awkward to say no and then break up with him.
"That of been"? Really? Did you learn anything in primary school other than "Don't eat glue"? Try "that would have been" next time. You'll look far less foolish.
I think the problem might have been that he DIDN'T learn to not eat glue.
You know there're easier ways of correcting people without using offensive connotation.
#20, get off your high horse and correct people respectfully instead of insulting their intelligence.
Didn't YOU ever learn anything in school, like how to get off your high horse and not be a raging dickweed to people? Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just had a brain fart and thought they had typed "must have" when they didn't, and just didn't catch the mistake? Because that happens. Geez.
Or maybe English isn't their first language. I actually can't believe how people can be such assholes over something that has no negative effect on them.
LunaaBluee - Or maybe he just made a silly mistake, and now he'll learn not to make it again. cjack188 - That WAS being respectful. I used to be downright offensive in correcting grammar, especially as blatant an example as this. TabooSushi - I prefer "bastard" to "raging dickweed", please.
#44 English isn't my first language either. But I knew better than that by 5th grade, and this guy is 24. And it really is true what the good doctor says in his profile - this community has officially lost its sense of humour.
What the **** happened to this thread?
What happened? Some people being unnecessarily offensive, others getting annoyed by it, and the typical person who thinks that just because people don't find an offensive comment funny, they have no sense of humor. It sounds like typical FML business to me.
Relax man what if English isn't his primary language?
Oh DocBastard, the FML community doesn't understand your twisted humor. I still love you though. ;)
Yes indeed it is. I'm testing the waters to see if anything has changed. Clearly nothing has.
Did it ever come to mind that not everybody has english as their mother language. Because it isn't mine. And maybe his neither so respect one and other.
DocBastard, you are the hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
The "Bye." was just an abrupt kick in the pants.
Am I the only one that finds it odd how often this kind of thing happens? Where somebody wants the relationship to end and the other person wants to get married? If somebody is going to break up with you, wouldn't there be at least some signs ahead of time? Wouldn't things be going downhill? Maybe it's just me, but I'm always kind of surprised at how many people there are who propose to somebody who is about to break up with them, and the person proposing seems to have no idea that their partner was about to end things.
I think that they know the other person is beginning to pull away so they want a solid commitment to solve that and, as a result, take drastic measures to prevent losing the other person...
I have a couple ideas of my own of what it might be. 1. The person who is proposing may be oblivious to the signs of the person breaking up. Maybe it's a little bit obvious that the person will break up with them, but they're just an oblivious person. 2. The person initiating the break up may be giving no signs. Perhaps they expect their partner to just read their mind, or perhaps they're not good with communication or giving signs. But it would cause their partner to think everything is fine when in all actuality the relationship is about to end. 3. Perhaps the person initiating the break up is doing it for lame reasons and it's just all of the sudden. As in, they didn't give out any signs of it happening because this isn't something that's been a long time coming.
I know a person like #6 is talking about. He felt that his girlfriend was on the verge of breaking up with him, went and got her name tattooed on his back in an attempt to guilt her into staying with him. It worked. But only for 2 more weeks.
3 -- I'm sure there is, and I suspect that's why one partner proposes. It's not because they think the other person wants to marry them, it's because they're desperate, afraid of being rejected by someone they still care deeply about (however justified it is), and hope this last-ditch resort can "save" their relationship. It won't.
9, I think you're right on the money about the lack of meaningful discussions between partners. My boyfriend of four months proposed last week, and of course I turned him down...I told him upfront that marriage and children are my two big no-go's, but I guess he thinks you can't be in a relationship of any seriousness without someone wearing a ring. I think people are so blinded by their own visions of the future that, consciously or not, they ignore all signs pointing them away from it.
I once dated somebody who started talking about marriage. When he asked "what would you do if I proposed tomorrow?", I said "I'd say no. We have too many issues we need to work on, and I'm nowhere near being ready for that kind of commitment right now." We'd been having lots of problems (mostly in regards to his emotional and verbal abuse) and I'd been pulling away. We broke up a week later, and he said "I was going to propose! I bought you a ring yesterday!" Well....I already told you I wasn't interested in that. Some people refuse to see the problems, even when you tell it to them straight.
68, are your ex and probably-soon-to-be ex the same guy? I'm not entirely sure what's so unclear about "I do NOT want to marry you," but apparently something about it gets lost in translation!
No. I am now happily married to a much better person.
They make the stories up for fmylife.
I also agree that too many people propose without having serious talks of marriage. In my opinion, marriage should be talked about seriously several times before anyone proposes. I even like the idea of going and looking at rings so they get a good idea of what rings the other person wants.
yes but sometimes when the partner can feel it's going down hill they do anything to carry on there relationship because they love them
I think it really goes to the role of perspective in the relationship. OP, for example, might feel their boyfriend never shuts up and let's her talk. Meanwhile, the boyfriend thinks OP is a great listener. It's not like there's an objective status of the relationship that is obvious to the parties involved. So it's pretty easy for one party to feel that the relationship is dying while another feels it is flourishing.
At least saying no to a proposal easily leads into a break up convo...
Or they were dating for 2 weeks and he was desperate for a wife and she just found out she didn't like him very much so she wanted to break up and so he proposes without knowing she wanted to break up.
What a bad timing! Just be honest with him, so he can let you go and move on. Poor guy...
We say "poor guy" and feel badly for him a little, but let's be real, we have no idea why this person is breaking up with their boyfriend. I'm saving the "it's really your boyfriend's FML" sentiment until we know what ended the relationship. For all we know, he could be an abusive asshole or a serial cheater who just happened to blow it for the last time with OP.
Classic?? When the hell did this become a classic? I've only ever heard it happen on FML a few times but never, in my 21 years on this planet, have I seen or heard of this plot twist in my dimension 0.0 Also, you seem to be taking a lil too much joy out of this...
No matter how bad you feel about it, it's probably for the best. The break-up, I mean.
surprise surprise...
At least you are respectful enough to break up with him face to face unlike some of these FMLs I' ve read.
Yes!! I was just going to say the via grandma one! Lol
I sure hope you were honest with him and didn't say yes out of guilt.

Am I the only one that finds it odd how often this kind of thing happens? Where somebody wants the relationship to end and the other person wants to get married? If somebody is going to break up with you, wouldn't there be at least some signs ahead of time? Wouldn't things be going downhill? Maybe it's just me, but I'm always kind of surprised at how many people there are who propose to somebody who is about to break up with them, and the person proposing seems to have no idea that their partner was about to end things.