By faentalivetmitt - 29/07/2009 14:24 - Norway

Today, I went to buy lunch at a grocery store. The total was 3 pounds, and my card got rejected for insufficient funds. I fished about for change, and found I only had 2 pounds. A homeless man behind me in the queue then offered to give me the remaining pound. A homeless man paid my lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 772
You deserved it 16 469

faentalivetmitt tells us more.

Hi everyone, I'm the one who posted this. First of all. Of course I thanked him! and of course I could have gotten a cheaper lunch, I was going to in fact, but he offered, and insisted, so I accepted, and was very thankful. All of you who keep saying I'm a heartless bitch should have considered that I was commenting on the irony of it and that I was embarassed, instead of saying how my life sucked because someone was nice to me. I thought it was a funny story. I got the impression that many of the stories on this site are funny rather than tragic. I could of course have written he gave it to me and i was super thankful etc etc, but I thought that was kind of implied. Oh and about the currency. My lunch was 31 kroner. But as I currently live and study in the UK, i'm used to thinking in pounds and thought that would be easier for the majority of FML readers. But apparently that makes me a fake, sorry guys! And I do in fact give money to charity and homeless people. Not long ago I gave one man my last 8 pounds (this was in the UK), so he could buy a decent meal, figuring I would be OK until I got home 5 hours later. So those of you who got the irony and embarassement, thanks!

Top comments

efmivida 0

that was terribly sweet of him

samhat 0

Just Because he's homeless doesn't mean hes dirt poor.


Dave115 0

Thats really kind of him,a man with no food or money offering you and extra pound to save you the trouble and time so that you can satisfy what he wish he can have.You should be grateful.

Dave115 0

Thats really kind of him,a man with no food or money offering you and extra pound to save you the trouble and time so that you can satisfy what he wish he can have.You should be grateful.

Dave115 0

Thats really kind of him,a man with no food or money offering you and extra pound to save you the trouble and time so that you can satisfy what he wish he can have.You should be grateful.

insanelyXnikki 18

Why would you keep less than 3 pounds ($4.80) in your account? Just saying, I mean I'm a little younger so I could be wrong, but idk...

ViaWithLove 6

To everyone complaing about how awful this person is, Stop. It's ironic, as many of the posts on this site are. Did you bother to read OP's comment explaining the situation? Did it say they were nasty to this man? No. I'm sure they thanked him. Why don't you take an issue with and yell at the real problems on this site, like the stories about being pointlessly cruel to animals or other people. Calm down, and think about the attitude the OP had while posting this.

A nice homeless man. u shud thank him and pay him back.

LaughingHobbit 4

They don't use pounds, they use Kronors. This post makes no sense, especially because even a cheap lunch here costs thirty Kronors or more.