By Typrokka - 22/10/2009 17:20 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to drop the garbage in the compactor as I left to do some shopping. I quickly put my handbag down on the side, threw the 'garbage' in the machine, watched it do its thing, and then turned round to find... the bag of garbage on the side. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 161
You deserved it 32 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So many FMLs can be summarized by "Today, I wasn't paying attention, and did something stupid. FML"

I hope you don't keep a tiny poodle in your handbag.


I actually understand how you could get the two mixed up. After all, they're both ugly, overpriced bags full of random crap.

so you "watched it do its thing" without noticing it was "doing its thing" to your handbag?

I'm surprised it took until comment #30 for someone to bring that point up. People really ARE getting more stupid...

Garbage? Compactor? Doesn't sound very English. That was simply stupid I'm afraid.

haleycstar 0

how do you confuse a handbag with a bag of garbage, moron?

fogrunner 13

You know how people occasionally place their wallets in the fridge?

prplwrpl 0

You guys are gay. Stop wondering if it's fake or not. Have a laugh!

YDI for calling it "garbage" when you're English.

fogrunner 13

I'm not American, but I sometimes Americanize things I say on the Internet... so that Americans will understand. :p Otherwise there's always someone too lazy to google a European term they haven't seen before.

candleeater22 5

It's sad if you can't tell the difference between you handbag or garbage