By psychic parents, how do they work? :( - 31/07/2013 22:49 - United States - Effingham

Today, I went to my dad, hoping to confess something to him. He quickly said that if I'd got my girlfriend pregnant, he'd kill me. That's exactly what happened. I had to make up a lie instead about stealing $50 from his wallet once as a kid, which he then demanded I pay back in full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 700
You deserved it 47 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JoeGrant 12

You should just tell him. Deal with the consequences like a man.

Maybe he will accept a new born child in exchange for the fifty dollars..?


Next time listen to your brain, not your dick.

Just because they got pregnant doesn't automatically mean they didn't use condoms. The condom could have broke or something. Regardless, if OP was too scared to confess about the pregnancy then clearly he wasn't ready at the time to accept the responsibilities of being a parent. This post is a year old now though, and I hope everything worked out okay, OP.

Good thing you didn't say like 100$ or so but still he'll find out one way or another

Well write a will and leave what you need to to your girlfriend to support the child...sorry OP life is cut short

josace 9

Why did you tell him $50?? A little kid would have been happy stealing $5 or $10

Can't be worse than the shit storm my in-laws pulled... Believe me they will get over it but in the mean time support her