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By Anonymous - 15/03/2015 04:23 - United States - Statesboro

Today, I went to the grocery store with my four-year-old. She has some issues with wetting the bed, so I told her that if she wasn't sure if she was dreaming about "going", she should pinch herself to make sure she's awake. In the produce section, she pinched herself, smiled proudly, and peed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 429
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you'll have to explain things a little more with this one. Maybe also mention where she could go if she knew she was awake. Not just that she could go if she was awake :P


Swandive235 27

Yeah, four year olds aren't very compliant. Or smart...

ninety 25

On the contrary, I have met some very smart four year olds. As cliche as it sounds, it's all in how a child is brought up.

Maybe you'll have to explain things a little more with this one. Maybe also mention where she could go if she knew she was awake. Not just that she could go if she was awake :P

UhHuhHoney 20
1dvs_bstd 41
usaidwhat82 21

Right, like it's such a great idea to pee on your own child.

As opposed to any other child #30? Haha I got what you meant though :)

Teach them. Make them learn things. Oh, you know, the right things to do and stuff.

That sounds like a lot of effort #17. I don't think many people do that anymore.

not have them.......solves all problems

Spoken like a person who has never had a kid or a conscience. She will be toilet trained shortly How long will it take you to develop tact and respect!

1dvs_bstd 41

A four year old kid is retarded for peeing? You need a hug, bro?

Maybe you should tell her to you when she has to go

Is any one else utterly confused by this comment?

#33 I think they meant that the daughter should tell the mother when she, the daughter, has to use the bathroom.

Oh! that makes more sense! Earth to aliens!

She just had to widdle Cause she's so little