By whymyroomthough - 06/08/2014 22:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I woke up because of a weird noise. Scared, I turned on my bedside lamp. I saw my older, 17-year-old brother peeing in my bedroom doorway. He was hoping I'd step in it in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 207
You deserved it 3 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Quite the role model! Pee in his shampoo. XD

You better watch out! Looks like urine trouble.


Time to ask your parents to send him for some help

That's just weird and disgusting. He's gonna make the whole house smell like pee and he has to live there too! Just tell your mum...I'm pretty sure no mother is okay with people peeing on her floor...the shouting and punishments will probably be most effective coming from her.

Tape him to his bed and pour ice water on him

skyeyez9 24

My son would be grounded and I'm make him pay for a carpet cleaner to get all the mess up. Parents work hard to provide a nice place to live and he'd get an ass whooping for unloading his man sized bladder all over my carpet. That is not easy to clean up, especially when it soaks thru to the carpet pad and flooring beneath.

God knows why I don't have such a brother. I would've been charged with murder by now

Put hair dye in his shampoo. A stain for a stain!

Your brother will likely have fun explaining his "harmless" prank to the parental unit.

AHzulu 25

Gouge out his eyes and skull **** him