By xBubbles38 - 18/07/2011 15:17 - United States

Today, I woke up to a scream downstairs. My 13 year-old daughter was trying to bite her little brother's neck. No matter how hard I try, she will not believe that she is NOT and NEVER WILL BE a vampire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 963
You deserved it 6 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

be careful when she steps outside—she might start to sparkle.

Bring her in the sun and ask her to explain why she is not sparkling like a glorious homosexual!


So the twilight generation attacks...

RoxxyHustle 7

beat her! or tell her that her little bro now sleeps with a stake under his pillow. She'll knock it off.

rein 8

hey, at least we can say with pride that we belong to the Harry potter generation! /m

ilynorrington 0

smdh look what twilights done to our generation

Idonebeenhad 17

46 failed hardcore. Twilight is like soccers; 2 hours of people running around and no one scoring, and the millions of fans telling me I just don't get it.

rawrdiinosaurrz 0

im sorry to say this but its all stephanie meyer's fault (however you spell her name i could honestly care less) she's the one who wrote these stupid books, robert pattinson just wanted money, which he got.

grawrdinozzz 0
rawrdiinosaurrz 0

At 150- In almost every other country, Soccer is the most popular sport, so stop being an ignorant prick

tjv3 10

congrats you raised a moron