By Anonymous - 14/10/2009 08:21 - Australia

Today, I won an award at school for my hard work. Afterwards, my parents told me off. Why? They wanted my brother to get it instead of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 740
You deserved it 1 967

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BelaLugosisdead 0

That's ****** up. Not gonna lie.


How about you just start failing school and say I wanted my brother to get the good grades.


sparxva 12

you sure you're related to them? cause they sound stupid.

around_the_world 0

Your parents read the gospel according to St. Douchebag.

ManUpFucker 0

How did they even KNOW your brother would have won the award?

my reply would have been, "yeah thANKS next time I'll be SURE to blow the award so he can win." and if they don't react to that I would say, "**** you I won deal with it." and go in my room

Favoritism, deal with it. In practically every household with more than one child, there's gonna be favoritism. If you wanna get them back, be successful, get all the awards (so there won't be any for your apparently more important brother), and when you start earning all the money, don't do anything for them. Say that you wanted to give your money to charity instead. You can also show excessive favoritism for your brother. And in the case that this is just a one-perspective fml and you're a bastard in real life, then ydi.

xxCFHxx 0

Exactly. Even if you're parents swear on their own graves they don't have a favorite, they do. Either they feel sorry for one for not being as good or successful as another, and your little sister constantly starts fights and shit, or maybe they just don't plain like one. Just wait thirty years, and take them on a fuckload of vacations and buy them random shit, then we'll see who their favorite is. But as for now, yes, they still love you, but just a little less than your brother.

I'd tell them to go to hell and you earned it fair and square no matter what their trivial bias opinions are. Or better yet, a nice "F-off/F-you". But, been there done that. Not too much anyone can really say about other than don't take it without a fight. And try not to become bitter and upset about the situation of the relationship, things will change one day.. hopefully. My parents sure stopped comparing me to my brother once we got older.

Fake and doesnt even make sense. If they wanted someone else to win tey would have! Dumbass

Then make your brother work to get that award from you. Indentured servitude solves so many problems.

around_the_world 0

That's a ******* sweet idea, mate.

o___O Your brother is younger that you, right? Otherwise that's really messed up.