By its dark - 07/01/2016 23:04 - United States - San Francisco

Today, it's day three of our power being off because of a glitch in the power company's computer system. They won't turn it back on until we pay the $2000 we owe from 2010. We moved here in 2012. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 357
You deserved it 1 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't there a piece of paper somewhere with your signature on it from when you started the account? Refer them to that. And don't forget to mention those media watchdogs that love to embarrass companies on the news.

These are dark times indeed. I hope you overcome their resistance and find enlightenment.


katachristic 19

You'd have to burn through power like crazy to rack up $2000 in less than a year, but they'd probably cut you off at 3 or 6 months without paying. Basic logic should tell them it's nearly impossible to owe them $2000

If the bill wasnt in your name it isnt your problem. If it was and you simply werent there (vacation home, etc) then it is your problem. We need clarification!

leogachi 15

@28 The FML clearly says they moved there in 2012.

Yes. Moved in the home in 2012. You can own property that consumes electricity and not live in it.

Once this is sorted out you should sue them for denial of a service you paid fir

MrZsDad 19

Is this your old bill? Did you have a delinquent account somewhere else? if not, start checking your credit profile for ID theft, you could owe a lot more other places. Good Luck OP.

If you can't prove when you moved there then you have a problem and you need to fix it.

I am so sorry it happened. I know someone who can help with that.

well then how the hell are you writing this fml?