By Chakkamofo - 01/02/2009 22:47 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My wife gave me a card that read, "You made it to 36!" It's my 35th birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 006
You deserved it 2 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

billybob12345 0

Really? Thats a problem? The only people I know who care about shit like that are 12 year old girls. Grow a pair.

@darkhelmet: You are wise. I owe you a beer.


redredblood1 7

Maybe there was a sale? Bitches love sales :D

haha i did the same thing with my sister this year i really thought she ws turning 33 - she was turning 32...oops ! its a genuine mistake dont take it too badly

It would be very sad if you didnt make it :(

Well happy birthday anyway. I'm sorry that happened

I guess the big question is, did you?

Why are people so mad about birthdays being forgotten? If it means that much to you remind them of your age every three months. Waaaaah, my wife mixed up my age by one year, waaaaah.