By dentinpalevo - 29/12/2009 07:29 - Cyprus

Today, it's my first day-off for the holidays. Today is also the day they decided to start building a house next to mine. I can't sleep beyond 7 am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 944
You deserved it 2 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

22cute 17

earplugs? whitenoise player?


jakeidk 0

sucks sleeping is my 3rd favorite activity...

And god forbid someone would want to have a nice house to live in. YDI for being so selfish.

kcslgvr 11

oh shut up. after working so hard for such a long time, anyone would want just a little bit of rest. i doubt that you would be exactly happy in the same situation, so don't give this guy shit about him wanting to sleep.

Fooberry 9

There should be laws about that.

Somebody's making a living? Oh no. YDI for complaining.

check the comment #42, then #35 and last but not least #8

flyintonite 0

I like the earplugs idea being thrown around. 7am drilling sucks I lived next to a road being blasted for a good solid 2 weeks and they helped immensly.

emmamorc 0

my neighbor blasts terrible music all day. every day. that's like the only thing u can't use earplugs to fix

Noises like that can start at 8 am in my area. :

#39, you're a douche. You wouldn't be too excited after working and finally getting a holiday, if construction workers started up at 7 AM, waking you. Quit being a contradictory ass and go meet your short bus before it pulls off, leaving you again.

Hahaha. I've worked construction before, as my dad does it for a living. It's too damn bad if someone doesn't like it, he has a job to do. So no, I can get over it. OP obviously can't.

emmamorc 0

can't u guys like start later? 9- ish? gives u more time to sleep, too.

Every day after the workmen leave go over and take a crap in a different closet. At least you will have something to laugh about the next morning.