By anonymous - 03/07/2011 04:47 - Canada

Today, it took me 5 hours to paint my deck, only to have it ruined by the neighbor's cat running all over the undry paint. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 785
You deserved it 3 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Undry? Most people I know would just say "wet paint".

The only time you don't want a pussy roll up on your door step...


MrSexyPants 14

How many times must you comment, woman?

you deserve it for not having a gun

what a dork! thats probly the closest youll get to a pussy.

Yeah and this comment is the closest you'll ever get to a dick. ;)

hey at least you made a pussy wet for the first time in your life :)

kaitlyn3xo 0

undry is not a word. the term is wet.

I bet it was hard to stoke your deck with a paintbrush only to have the pussy come after you're done and after it's all wet...

theres a new word op, its called "wet".

gene818 13

There's a lesson to be learnt, next time use something to block out any animals.

u wudnt have minded if it were Halle Berry !

JennaMarie420 2