By donguigeek - 24/12/2015 04:32 - France

Today, my 4-year-old son is distraught. This morning we saw a man, dressed as Santa, passed out drunk on a public bench. My son is now convinced that it was his corpse, and that Santa Claus is dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 894
You deserved it 81

Top comments

Did you try explaining that Santa is just really tired from preparing all the presents?

It's a lot of pressure being Santa... Delivering billions of presents all in one night... Hell, I'd be an alcoholic, too! No wonder he eats so many cookies, he has to soak up all the alcohol! But in all seriousness, I hope your child isn't scarred for the rest of their childhood, OP.


Might as well roll with it, kill Santa off earlier, and your wallet will benefit.

Now you can tell him that drinking is bad! Also, you can take this opportunity to stop lying to your kid and tell him that Santa,along with other fairy tale characters like the easter bunny and god, ain't real.

expertsmilee 26

I'll pray for you 16. Merry Christmas.

harleyivy 7

people like you really piss me off. nothing bad is going to happen because kids believe in fairy tale creatures. later they learn the truth and enjoy joining in the fun for the next generation. get off my your high horse.

#30 they don't always find out. Your child may one day be that weird kid who still hasn't found out the truth. A girl in my /highschool/ still believes in Santa

that at an early age such as 4 may be traumatizing to the child

Redgy22 26

I told my 4 year old that all those Santa's he sees are the Jolly One's helpers. Elf on the Shelve can only report good or bad behavior, but the Santas are actually just regular people like us except they report directly to the big guy with all the wishes of the children from all over the city/world. The real Santa is still at the North Pole getting things ready for the big night. This really helped when we saw 5 different Santas in one day. Good luck, OP.

Don't worry OP. Little kids are really impressionable. You should be able to convince him otherwise easily by seeing a mall Santa or something. The presents under the tree should be good enough too.

Mathalamus 24

Impressionable, but not stupid. Pretty sure a 4 year old can tell that there's more than one Santa.

Santa Claus has been dead for centuries. The man on the street is just another poor imposter.

well you're not wrong in Mexico it was a group of nuns that did it but it was credited to saint Nicholas

KingJiggleMuffin 15

YDI for lying to your child. Why lie to him and worship pagan gods when you could tell him the truth and not partake in ancient pagan festivals?

Santa is getting older and needed to hire a copilot. He should've checked Captain Morgan's references.

zeffra13 31

Since he apparently didn't buy 'sleeping' I'd tell him that Santa is hibernating so he'll be really well rested and have the energy to fly around the world tonight.