By cantgetabreak - 13/12/2016 18:50

Today, my boss reprimanded me for not finishing my work on time. Yesterday, she cut an hour from my schedule every day until further notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 069
You deserved it 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's probably expecting you to still work that hour and be OK with not being paid. I'd probably start hunting for a new job if I were you - I didn't when I ran into that problem (work schedule was 8-4, expected to work more like 7-6 with no pay outside of my scheduled hours) and got fired.

Your workplace has the worst work incentives. Be more productive or we cut your hours until you are.


She's probably expecting you to still work that hour and be OK with not being paid. I'd probably start hunting for a new job if I were you - I didn't when I ran into that problem (work schedule was 8-4, expected to work more like 7-6 with no pay outside of my scheduled hours) and got fired.