By RIPmyhair - 20/12/2018 20:00

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex when he asked if it was okay to finish on my back. Not only did he do that but he also got it on my neck, the side of my face, and my hair which I'd just gotten done at the salon for almost $200 and can't wash for 2 days. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 2 153
You deserved it 2 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely "I've got cum in my hair" negates the instruction to not wash your hair? Is $200 really worth leaving, and I emphasize this point, /dry cum/ in your hair? (The /dry cum/ was supposed to be in italics but I'm not sure if it's going to work)


anayanci1 6

Would anyone here leave semen in your hair for two days for $200?

julfunky 29
weaboo 12

It might be because I’m Jewish but I would never spend 200 on my hair (long hair guy)

Can't wash your hair for 2 days... or don't want to wash your hair for two days. Very different.

Is your name Mary? Because there's something about you..

bobsanction 18

Who the hell pays $200 to get their hair done?

So many things wrong here. First, you spent $200 getting your hair done and it can't even be washed for two days (if I don't wash my hair every day, it gets oily and gross and I get cranky). Second, you let your boyfriend cum on your back (or anywhere on your body, really). And third, in allowing him to do that (or did you tell him no and he did it anyway? If that's the case, you have a whole other set of problems), of course there's always a chance it could shoot other than the intended target. PEW PEW!

washing your hair daily is bad for it. should be 1-2 times a week, maybe 3 times depending on lifestyle.

julfunky 29

There’s nothing wrong with someone who is ok with letting their boyfriend finish anywhere.