By isystuff - 01/02/2011 05:24 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me and left me crying in the street. I then got a text from my mom saying how pathetic my love life was. Apparently, it was a mass text message and she accidentally added me to the list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 343
You deserved it 3 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really am puzzled at why parents are so inquisitive and vocal about the relationships their children are in. Is it them trying to live vicariously through their children or are they simply too nosey? There is no excuse for this kind of behaviour and your mom needs to be told as much. She isn't 14 and gossiping with her friends, she's an adult and a mother. Tell her to grow up...

Inspired22 11

Aww, I'm sorry! Breakups are no fun. And you need your support network to get through it! I would check your mom off the checklist of people-to-lean-on. We all have people we know we can't trust with stuff like that. And make sure you pick trustworthy people. You deserve it! I hope you feel better!


OP go buy a bat and hit your mom in the face for being a bitch.

what kind of mom sends out a mass text insulting a huge group of people saying how much their love lives suck?

lakegirl 5

Your mom is wonderful, I wish she was mine ;)