By Anonymous - 24/02/2013 01:47 - United States - Gonzales

Today, my boyfriend kicked me out and threatened to get a restraining order after I called him an asshole. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and over 1,000 miles away from my parents' house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 915
You deserved it 9 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know there's two sides to every story, but him doing that to his pregger girlfriend makes him a douchbag by default

alstbv12 13

Sounds like he deserved much worse than "asshole"


Didn't know name calling was such an issue that he needed to do that! Go to the police!

smokeyKane69 4

That's pretty ****** up but why did u call him an asshole? Lol if he was that unstable that probably wasn't the best idea...

So what if she's pregnant? Pregnant women aren't just allowed to do whatever because of their status. Regardless if she was in the wrong or not, she's not a child (hopefully) so there's no issue. A foetus does not care about car trips or flights.

I know I haven't heard the full story, but being pregnant doesn't give you an excuse to call him an asshole, OP.

This makes me want hop on a shuttle that will take me far, far away from this planet.

Why did she call him an asshole? Maybe he was being an asshole...

that... creature, needs to be shot point blank in his left ********..