By Jade - 25/04/2011 13:49 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend proposed to me in front of an entire street of people. We've only been dating for a week. One of the women in the crowd then called me heartless and threw a hamburger at me when I turned him down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 372
You deserved it 9 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch. gotta love random strangers. I feel bad for him though. even if it was only a week.


sounds like he ... hungered ... for your companionship!

guitaristkp 0

Bet he's also a premature ejaculator

jonahokongo 0

that sounds about right!! lmfao

Sheesh...bacon grease in the hair. That's a major problem!

MangoGurl 0

that's wen u say thanks for the burger

forgettingsunday 0

well of course there's a DIET coke; us Americans do care about our health!

619warrior281 5

sounds like your boyfriend is still in grade school.

ericgu9 0

when life hands you free hamburgers, you eat them. duh.

BooGhosted 0

true American saying!! hehe

ClingyOtter 4

I never understood why people act like that if someone says no to a proposal. Can someone explain that to me? :s

idpturtle 0