By FUSheldon - 28/11/2012 05:15 - United States - Millstadt

Today, my boyfriend started watching The Big Bang Theory on DVD. Now he won't stop saying "Bazinga" every time he says or hears something that sounds funny. It's so annoying I want to feed him to the neighbor's dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 875
You deserved it 4 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least he isn't saying LOL everytime he hears something funny.

write your own version of the roommate agreement and make his life hell!


kimosabi55068 6

Seems that I'm real late to the party, but since I love to be the dude who's so late that it's hilarious, Bazinga.

This is extra funny cause I gave my sisters boyfriend the Big Bang theory for Xmas *bazinga* lol

Improper use of the word "Bazinga". How sad. FYL, for sure.

Your husband is years late on that joke