By schoolkiddo - 08/09/2010 07:35 - Australia

Today, my dad and his girlfriend left for a 10-day vacation. They booked an expensive beach-house. I'm an A grade student and just last month, he stopped paying my school fees because he 'couldn't afford it.' Oh, and he's making me feed the dog while he's away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 172
You deserved it 3 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run away and take the dog. Play guitar in the streets for cash, and make sure the dog is lying next to you with a sad face. Make it look like hes eating some garbage and people will surely give you money. Works for me.

FFML_314 11


JuniorWaffles 0

I would have a party if I were you.

VaultDweller106 7

While your dad seems cheap, why is it such a hassle to feed the dog? Do you like killing animals by making them starve OP?? DO YOU?! O-O

krisanda 5

Maybe you should put yourself through school and stop relying on your parents. You're an adult, right? I'm sure he works hard for his $ and lifestyle. He probably deserves a vacation.

Yessi_Boo 14

If you really were an A student, you would have scholarships to help

I hate people like this. I had a coworker that asked me all the time to cover her shift and I always say yes, but the one time I had a doctors appointment that could not be rescheduled she tells me no because she doesn't want to lose money. I say screw this people and let someone else do there stuff for them! good luck with your future endeavors OP.

Not feeding the dog! Anything but that! What a heartless bastard! Do you need me to call Child Protective Services?

You're complaining about having to feed a dog? Lazy.