By rimjob - 20/02/2010 10:36 - United States

Today, my dog barked for 30 minutes with me yelling for him to shut up. Guess that's how long it takes someone to steal the rims from my truck. Good dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 849
You deserved it 42 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Astraea 0

Haha totally ydi!! Try to respect him next time :P


E1337ist 0

Same here. Except it was my bike.

didnt think it was strange for him to b barkin for tht long or the mere fact he wasnt listening to you? u shuda checked outside ydi

I feel bad for you! My dog will bark at nothing all the time or people walking by, but I think if he was barking for more than 5 or 10 minutes straight I'd probably check it out. Just be lucky it was just your tire rims and not someone like breaking into your house in the night.

Twisted_Angel 17

Seriously, if my dog is barking, and doesn't listen when I tell him to knock it off, I look and see what the hell he is barking at. I'm sorry but you YDI for being a jack ass and not checking things out.

meluvsyou 0
Hanban 0

#43 They'd rather be having sex than watching some person steal rims. Unless they wanted a public show...

don't blame ur dog u ****** imbecile. dog did his job. u were too lazy to do urs and that's y u deserve it u ****** asswipe

Lepton 0

YDI, not for ignoring your dog, but for having rims in the first place.

sexton 0

dude ydi for ignoring your dog next time pay attention to your dog if he barks go check it out instead of ignoring him...gosh your stupid