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By Jes - 28/06/2016 00:44

Today, my father called me to ask what my middle name is. He apparently needed to know it to remove me out from his will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 948
You deserved it 1 129

Same thing different taste

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OP, If I were in your shoes and that were my father, I'd tell him to take his will and shove it where the sun don't shine. Any father that can't remember his own daughter's middle name - and certainly only asks for it for a selfish reason - doesn't deserve her time anyway. Maybe I'm being harsh but I certainly don't think he's the kind of father I'd want in my life.

Killing anybody isn't particularly something to joke about, but we do it everyday. Jokes usually are about things that shan't be joked about, that's what makes them funny; because it's just a joke.


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Not sure why this was upvoted. That's not particularly funny if that was your intention and killing family members is not really something to joke about.

Killing anybody isn't particularly something to joke about, but we do it everyday. Jokes usually are about things that shan't be joked about, that's what makes them funny; because it's just a joke.

missyfiona89 28

if you're kidding about killing someone and think that it's alright (I hope you're kidding anyway), I'm going to assume that you're a Trump fan.

Big_D_Real 12

Says someone who is probably a Hillary fan. How do you feel knowing you support someone that actually has people killed regularly?

Remind him that it will be YOUR decision as to which nursing home he gets put in later in life - the good, but very expensive, privately run luxury home where all of the attendants really do care for each patient, or the cheap, State run home where the few attendants enjoy using the patients for Joseph Mengele-type experiments. If you put the fear of God in them now, you can pretty much dictate your terms and never have to utter another threat the rest of your life. Easy street. :-)

If she is getting removed from his will I doubt she will have a lot of control over him if he deteriorates to the point where he has to go to a nursing home.

What an ass. Good thing you don't need his shit when he kicks the bucket. You're awesome, OP.

He's probably a shitty dad if he can't remember his own kids last name, but it's possible that there is more to the story. It's possible op really sucks and is getting removed from his will for a valid reason.

Just throwing positivity their way. My dad was removed from my grandpa's will for no reason. Some people are just assholes.

My half brother was removed from the will/estate of the other family when our dad and his mom divorced. They were very wealthy as well.

I'm sure there was some reason, your grandpa didn't just wake up one morning and spontaneously decide to write him out.

OP, If I were in your shoes and that were my father, I'd tell him to take his will and shove it where the sun don't shine. Any father that can't remember his own daughter's middle name - and certainly only asks for it for a selfish reason - doesn't deserve her time anyway. Maybe I'm being harsh but I certainly don't think he's the kind of father I'd want in my life.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but we really don't have a lot of info to judge this story on. All we have is op's side of the story in one line. There is most likely much more to the story...

He doesn't remember his own child's middle name..... Enough said!!

Lizzy500 16

Sounds like bullshit to me. Keep an eye on your credit to make sure he isn't opening accounts in your name. He doesn't need that info to edit his will.

Actually, he does. Names in wills need to be precise, or you run the risk of your will not being honored because of a technicality.

Lizzy500 16

If she's already named in the will, he has her name. Id be more inclined to believe him if he said he needed it to add her to his will.

The question we should be asking is. Was op a dick to their father? (or did they leach off them etc). If op was a model child then FYL, but you might have deserved it without knowing more info.

Tbh, if OP's father didn't want to put her in his will he doesn't have to. Like yea, sucks to be OP, but it is his money/house/whatever and he can do what he wants with it.