By Flicker - 14/05/2009 07:23 - Australia

Today, my football club gave us all jerseys with our last names on them. My last name is 'Flicker'. The letters are all in uppercase. And the 'L' and the 'I' are joined together at the bottom. My jersey reads 'FUCKER'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 50

Top comments

Heh, I'd be proud of it - seeing as you can now wear a shirt saying "******" on it without getting in trouble!

hahaha, what's awesome! when you get mad at your opponent, just turn your back to them!


ChelseaAnn08 0

HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That's AWESOME! I agree with the people who say you shuold wear it with pride. It's really funny!

whatev5297 0

1. this is fake 2. why are you posting on here? 3. if this actually happened (which we all know it didn't), they wouldn never let you wear it, they would fix it and give you a new one, so you would never actually be FORCED to wear a cool jersey anyway 4. **** off

Dude thats awesome :D x'D but yeahit may suck sometimes especialy you're about to find out out that in dutch, flicker means ****..... sorry

How old are you? That you think a cool nickname like that would be a BAD thing?

Hahahahah that is soooooo funny! I had an fml moment today and you made me laugh soo much thanks for making my day lol

HA I would wear that. Besides, how can you get in trouble when you can just say it says "Flicker"

footballman2 0

when u go to a job interview people will be like... Mr. ******, nice to meet you. haha FYL

This made me LOL. You're lucky, I wish I had a shirt with a cool offensive slogan on it that I can excuse by saying: "Dude, that's my NAME. Blame my parents" XDDDD