By notinthebutt - 14/06/2011 17:57 - United States

Today, my friend sent me an online money transfer. After forgetting the password and locking myself out of my account, I had to phone up the bank and have it reset. I was prompted to answer the security question, which was "What, what?" I had to say "In the butt." to get my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 323
You deserved it 64 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kathii01 20

lol that's funny! YDI for making that song your security q & a


your FML is "I made up a retarded password"?

samikay23 0

that sucks but is extremely funny!

that's awesome though! you're my hero

lil_lala209 5
emodude44 0

Congratsulations YOU just had buttsex! (I am aware I cannot spell Congradulations. I am ashamed.)

jellybelliez 0

haha!! at least u got ur monie!!:p