By well great. - 17/05/2013 22:28 - United States - Pascagoula

Today, my friend told me she'd lost her notebook filled with crucial notes for our finals. She asked if she could borrow mine and copy my notes. She then lost my notebook too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 113
You deserved it 11 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this why I've stopped lending my stuff to 'friends'

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

They always keep the freakin' pencils.


Use her notes when you both have to do summer school.

I don't buy for a second that she lost your notebook. I bet she just didn't want to go through the hassle of copying notes again.

Photocopy your notes...that's what I have done in the past...

perdix 29

She didn't "lose" your notebook, she's hiding it so you'll do worse on the final than she does. She's throwing you under the bus to bring down the curve.

Did you think she would magically become responsible with a notebook that isn't hers?

your friend sounds like an idiot . . . . sorry.

MorganBrown 8

This is why you shouldn't lend notebooks to friends with information you're going to need. They are responsible for their own things and if they had lost the same material of information as you did, they are obviously not responsible enough. You need the notes yourself, so if I were you, I'd turn them down and hope they understood. If they didn't, that's all on them.

westboundcali 13

This happens to me all the time except with flash drives. Don't give stuff out to your friends.