By Anonymous - 19/02/2010 20:27 - United States

Today, my friends told me, "Don't worry about your bad acne. It kind of looks like the pattern the avatars have on their heads." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 430
You deserved it 2 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

your friends seem to be broken, better go buy some new ones


SLKBlack96 5

it's Na'vi not avatars dumbass. The avatar is the human's Na'vi counterpart. like an avatar for xbox live

mrbuddy 0

That's not why they're called. That was just the stupid title of the movie.

NGM_47 0

@SLKBlack96 We know what the OP and snickerdoodles are trying to say, stop being such a's the same thing.

#22 if they were nerds then they'd actually know the name of the species in avatar.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Did he ask you to shove your hair in his ear, too?

Ajjas013 6

Tell him his dick is probably jagged and the only use he'll ever get out of it is trying to scoop his brain out of his ass.

SLKBlack96 5

hey, I'm just stating the facts.

that blowz but at least ur friends were attempting to make u feel better lmfao

BritneyBiohazard 0

Lmao. People get so protective over what they're called. ******* hilarious.

SLKBlack96 5

need I say this? avatars are genetically grown Na'vi and are used by humans as diplomats