By ugh - 01/10/2009 15:49 - United States
Same thing different taste
By ew - 04/10/2009 15:41 - United States
By baconrash - 22/02/2010 21:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/11/2011 16:52 - United States
By Mitcha857 - 30/07/2011 16:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 17/11/2013 19:11 - United States - Ontario
By eww - 27/10/2010 05:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/01/2014 18:38 - United States - Canton
By Anonymous - 26/05/2010 15:54 - United States
By boreed - 27/12/2010 05:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/10/2010 09:05 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Is it wrong that I wanted to barf after reading this?
No it isn't, I was about to post that this FML made me nauseous. :]
how origional....
Lol, at least Jar Jar Binks thinks you're cute. =P
#133, i love you! lol! OP: tweezers? wax? proactiv? clearisil? various acne creams and face wash? all these things could solve your problem!
lol, fail on my part!
You're all so mean.. this guy could be absolutely gorgeous for all you know. None of you have any idea how hard it is when you have acne, feeling constantly self-concious and nothing ever works. Seriously, I've tryed every f*cking thing for my skin, and still nothing works - olay, clearsil, proactiv... what a pile of b*llocks. They just dry up your skin, and yet your face stays plastered with spots. Don't listen to any of these wankers, things'll look up (:
yea try to get rid of it....
mmm attractive.
no i think i might too
don't worry OP . eventually the acne will fade away :)
I agree with the people saying it dries your skin, but my friend uses this stuff called: Oxy. It works really well for him, so you guys should try it. And just a thought, having acne doesn't necessarily mean that you're ugly.
See a dermatologist. Their stuff is ineffective too, but slightly less ineffective.
Your the real mvp
Who cares? You're not dating anyone anytime soon. Don't choke it in front of a mirror, you might gross yourself out.
There are ***** out there for this reason. They're so easy a caveman can do them, even without shaving the unibrow first.
Ones that don't mind pus?
Go find an Asian one, they love normally sickening bodily substances. She'll share it with her friend.
I've heard about that **** star that was a washout here, but was big in the Asian countries: Lance Boyles.
that's very offensive and incorrect
Dude. I actually really love the majority of Asians I meet and am aware that you can't generalize a whole continent of people for the actions for a few. That being said, my comment was kind of referring to stuff like "2 Girls, 1 Finger" where it just happens to establish a pattern of Asian girls in **** doing a lot of nasty shit.
Aww, I understand, Didier. That one was a bit...harsh. No hard feelings.
You can pluck the hairs out.
The word fugly comes into mind, but anyways just chill till your out of your puberty or whatever
this **** my life, couldnt get any more realler...
#9 - are you really that stupid that you just wrote 'realler'? wow . btw , you know what would make me laugh .. if this was a chick . hahaha . some chicks shave their eyesbrows cuz they don't wanna wax or anything
Don't shave - WAX!
Meeeeh. That's foul. Pluck the unibrow.

You can pluck the hairs out.
Is it wrong that I wanted to barf after reading this?