By Anonymous - 07/04/2015 00:44 - United States

Today, my grandma is refusing to talk to me because I didn't answer her phone calls while we were at a parade. I was in it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 880
You deserved it 2 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her that she called the wrong number, she'll believe you

If she's anything like my grandma, give her a few minutes, she'll forget why she was mad. And possibly forget who you are.


nityasomaiya 46

Yeah, grannies are a little touchy... You're not the only one OP

poppunkette 22

Tell her you lost your phone

ApparentlyNotEno 28

What utterly selfish behaviour. I can't imagine my gran expecting me to be at her beck and call and being upset if I didn't answer, *especially* if I had a legitimate excuse for not being able to. Sorry, OP - she's sounds like a piece of work.

1st, OP didn't GO to the parade they were IN the parade. 2nd, there is no age limit on parades. They're open to anyone.

Aww, it's been a while since we've had a cranky old person FML.

chefnoel22 11

You still should have answered, something could have been wrong

Do something nice for her so she remembers you care for her.

Tell her the parade rule said phones had to be off and say your sorry. She's old and loves you so bend a little.

Just give her a little gift and say sorry to her, even though it wasn't really your mistake. But then she may be not mad at you anymore and that's worth a try, right?

Unless she's senile, that would be extremely disrespectful. The elderly should be treated like adults, not placated like infants.

i see this as a plus. (the grandma not talking to you thing)