By Anonymous - 06/01/2013 00:06 - United States - Marysville

Today, my little sister asked me to open a jar of pickles for her. I struggled a little until the lid busted open, and pickle juice poured over my pocket and the iPhone inside. My sister then sniffed the jar, made a disgusted face, and ran out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 858
You deserved it 3 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ah, got yourself into a bit of a pickle there, didn't you?!

Ahhhh, the love of a younger sibling.


If you are not man enough, don't pretend. How did you open it, to angle the jar opening into your pocket, that's some truly amazing skill.

robo_thunder 13

But... pickles are delicious!

This seems like a Vlasic case of a voided contract, but read it carefully, as you may find a Claussen it.

So ur bitching about your phone smelling like pickle juice? What's the problem here?

Well... Did you ever think that the pickle juice might have a tiny chance of going into the phone itself? Gee that could be a big deal, don't ya think?

So did you open it at an angle over your pocket to have pickle juice spill on too your phone? Why did you not just open it on a table?

Korro 8

Sweet little sister, Dill for your phone .

perdix 29

She probably thought the pickles looked like lighthouses, and didn't want to put one in her mouth.

Ahaha I get it, ahhh forming a relationship between two different fmls

Somehow I don't think its a lasting relationship as things are liable to turn sour.

mavman79 5

Hit the lid of the jar with the back of a knife a couple of times to break the seal next time.

Not gonna lie, pickle juice doesn't exactly smell to enticing