By musicalducky - 05/01/2013 22:04 - Canada - Calgary
musicalducky tells us more.
Haha, now that I've noticed it, I would gladly exchange them if I could. Unfortunately I bought them at a craft market, and therefore have no way to return them. I'll likely just hold onto them and possibly give them to someone as a gift. Or maybe I'll just wear them. They are really pretty until someone points out the lighthouses look like dicks.
Top comments
You can always return them! Or just embrace the fact that it'll look like you're wearing penis earrings.
Haha, now that I've noticed it, I would gladly exchange them if I could. Unfortunately I bought them at a craft market, and therefore have no way to return them. I'll likely just hold onto them and possibly give them to someone as a gift. Or maybe I'll just wear them. They are really pretty until someone points out the lighthouses look like dicks.
21 - the **** are you saying?
22- are you pretending to be OP..?
21: Is your username 'Disguised' because you disguise what you're trying to say by completely disregarding grammar and sentence structure? ;)
Guys 21 is referencing and old meme. Look it up
What was the reference to
#42 A long time ago on 4chan a user first wrote that incoherent sentence. It sparked much debate over what it meant. Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube have attempted to decipher it. Not until recently has someone been able to. The deciphered sentence actually is..."Has any video game company really taken such measure to make a game so realistic?" Elementary, my dear FML users.
If you love them, wear them anyway! Who cares? At least they look like pretty dicks. :)
Ya dicks are good I never take mine off;)
That's your Mom's problem. If you like them, wear them.
Gift them to your mother, perhaps? ;)
I don't see the problem.
Congratulations. You are now the proud owner of a pair of penis earrings. OP contact you for payment information. Thanks for shopping!

She did you a favor... atleast you wern`t wearing them and have a stranger point it out in public... btw why would you want to wear lighthouse earrings?
It's called personal taste. Just because you wouldn't wear lighthouse earrings doesn't mean someone else, like OP, wouldn't!
This FML has absolutely nothing to do with that one. The one and only thing the two entries have in common is the lighthouses. Noor's had nothing to do with a comparison to dicks, and this one had nothing to do with giving a gift to her mother which was rejected. I think you're just crazy.
You will now be forever consumed with the thought that you look like you broke out of jail or look like a clown, or in this case, have dicks hanging off your ears.
Ahh living the dream... Who could complain?
I guess you just don't have a dirty mind like the rest of us here on FML if you didn't notice lighthouses have a very phallic shape :x
I guess you're wet behind the ears, then.
Penis earrings might be a turn on for some guys. It may give them an....earection!
Ear sex is fine, just don't get hearing aids! And remember, once you go black, you go deaf.
Badum ttsss
Omg that's great
I love when overly honest mothers point out things AFTER the fact. "Oh honey, that dress is not flattering." "Thanks mom. Now off to prom..."
Haircuts are possibly the worst example of this.
Well they can't see the haircut before obviously?
18-So true. I donated a foot to locks of love and my mom moped around for the rest of the day because "all my hair was gone". My hair was an inch past my shoulders after a foot was cut.
Exchange them for something else? Give to your best friend as a joke? You can even give it as a present to your enemy!
4- Such a weird, all-over-the-place comment. Clowns, jail, and ear-dicks... I'm afraid I'm lost.
It was a reference to Jenna Marbles. Probably too subtle...
Regift them. And if someone points out what they look like, start bawling like a baby and say "you don't like them? I picked them out especially for you!" and don't talk to them for a week. That way there is no way they will try to give them back to you, and they are out of your hair forever.
Read this comment wrong thinking it said "Regedit them" xDD

If you love them, wear them anyway! Who cares? At least they look like pretty dicks. :)
You can always return them! Or just embrace the fact that it'll look like you're wearing penis earrings.